Jumat, 25 September 2015

Bisa Bahasa Inggris Tanpa Kursus

Kemarin saya baca koran online Tibun Jambi dan menemukan sebuah  artikel menarik yang membahas tentang bagaimana untuk bisa berbahasa Inggris tanpa kursus. Setelah dibaca cukup bagus dan saya yakin bermanfaat untuk BBIO lovers semua. Semoga bisa menjadi referensi belajar tambahan. Berikut ini tipsnya: 
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online Updated at: September 25, 2015

Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Exercise 44

Put in my/our/your/his/her/their/its!

1. Do you like _____job?

2. I know Mr Joe but I don't know _____ wife.

3. Mr and Mrs Baker live in London. ______ son lives in Indonesia.

4. We're going to have a party. We're going to invite all _____ friends.

5. Ann is going out with _____ friends this evening.

6. I like tennis. It's _____ favorite sport.

7. Is that ____car? 'No, I haven't got a car.'

8. I want to phone Alex. Do you know _____ phone number?

9. Do you think most off people are happy in _____ jobs?

10. This is a beautiful tree. _____ leaves are a beautiful color.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online
Jambi, 11 September 2013

kunci jawaban:
1)your 2) his 3) their 4) our 5) her 6) my 7) your 8) his 9) their 10) its
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online Updated at: September 12, 2015

Exercise 43

BBIO lovers, How are you?
Semoga semua baik-baik saja.
Masih ingat dengan possessive adjective?
Hmmmm lupa ya, possessive adjective adalah kata sifat yang menyatakan kepemilikan. My, your, our, their, her, his, its adalah possessive adjective. Kalau belum jelas, silahkan baca kembali  penjelasannya di: Possessive adjective

Sekarang silahkan kerjakan soal latihan di bawah ini!


I am  going to wash my hands

1. She is going to wash ____ hands.

2. We are going to wash ____ hands.

3. He is going to wash _____ hands.

4. They are going to wash _____ hands.

5. Are you going to wash ____ hands?

6. Shinta is going to wash ____ hands.

7. Alex is going to wash _____ hands.

8. The boys are going to wash ______ hands.

9. Antoni and Joe are going to wash _____ hands.

10. My father is going to wash _____ hands

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online
Jambi, 11 September 2015

kunci jawaban:
1) her 2) our 3) his 4) their 5) your 6) her 7) his 8) their 9) their 10) his
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online Updated at: September 12, 2015