
Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Exercise: Prepositions- part I

      Hi, Apa kabar, BBIO lovers? Lagi pada ngapain, nih. Ooooo sendang santai, ya? Kalau  merasa bosan dan suntuk karena tidak ada kerjaan, lebih baik jawab saja soal-soal di bawah ini. Dari pada melamun bin termenung, nanti bisa kesurupan hahahaha. Di bawah ini ada 10 buah soal latihan berbentuk pilihan ganda. Soalnya tidak sulit, kok. Tinggal baca saja, tetapi jawabannya yang sulit . . . :) Selamat belajar . . .

1.         My best friend lives ______ Boretz Road

a.         in
b.         on
c.         at

2.          I'll be ready to leave ____ about twenty minutes.

a.         in
b.         on
c.          at

3.         Since he met his new girlfriend, Juan never seems to be ______ home.

a.         on
b.         in
c.          at

4.         The child responded to his mother's demands ______ throwing a tantrum

a.         with
b.         by
c.          from

5.         I think she spent the entire afternoon ______ the phone.

a.         on
b.         in
c.          at

6.          I will wait ______ 6:30, but then I'm going home.

a.         from
b.         at
c.          until

7.         The police caught the thief _____ the corner of Cascade and Plum Streets.

a.         in
b.         at
c.          from

8.          My fingers were injured so my sister had to write the note _____ me.

a.         for
b.         with
c.          to

9.          I am not interested _____ buying a new car now.

a.         to
b.         for
c.          in

10.      What are the main ingredients ______ this casserole?

a.         about
b.         to
c.          of

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Kunci Jawaban:
1) B 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) a 6) c 7) b 8) a 9) c 10) c