
Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Exercie 50 have to dan has to

Belajar bahasa Inggris online kali ini ingin memberi soal latihan terbaru untuk BBIO lovers semua. Tapi sebelumya admin ingin menyapa BBIO lovers semua. Sehat? Semoga sehat selalu ya. Soal latihan saat ini adalah tentang have to dan has to. Saya sudah menjelaskan materi ini pada artikel sebelumnya. Jika belum membaca, baca dulu ya disini: Have to dan has to

BBIO lovers rubah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini sesuai pola yang diinginkan dalam soal dengan benar!

1. My sister has to come to my house on Sunday.
    ? = ____________________________
2. They have to play in the room.
    - = ____________________________
3. Do we have to bring books?
    + = ___________________________
4. Does she have to sing this song?
    + = __________________________
5. Riko has to buy a towel.
    ? = __________________________
6. Riko and Joe do not have to write the stories.
    + = ________________________________
7. He has to do homework.
    - = ________________________________
8. I do not have to eat the cake.
    + =  ______________________________
9. The cat has to eat the bones.
     - = _______________________________
10. Does the snake have to go?
    + = _______________________________
kunci jawaban:
1) Does my sister have to come to my house on Sunday. 2 ) They do not have to play in the room. 3) We have to bring books. 4) She has to sing this song. 5) Does Riko have to buy a towel? 6) Riko and Joe have to write the stories. 7) He does not have to do homework. 8) I have to eat the cake. 9) The cat does not have to eat the bones. 10) The snake has to go.