
Rabu, 06 November 2013

Exercise: because, because of

Tiba saatnya untuk mengerjakan soal-soal latihan di bawah ini. Ada 10 soal dan mudah sekali alias tidak sulit. Soal latihan kali ini tentang because dan because of. Bagi yang belum baca penjelasannya silahkan baca dulu di:  because, because of.  Awas....jangan nyontek ya . . . kunci jawabannya ada di bagian bawah. Selamat belajar  . . . 
Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah  ini dengan because / because of!
1.       It was difficult to deliver the letter _____ the sender had written the wrong address on the envelope.
2.       We decided to leave early ____ the party was boring.
3.       Rescue attempts were temporarily halted ____ the bad weather.
4.       They visited their friends often ____ they enjoyed their company.
5.       Paul cannot got to the football game ____ his grades.
6.       Antoni was awarded a scholarship ____ her superior scholastic ability.
7.       Nobody ventured outdoors ____ the hurricane warnings.
8.       We plan to spend our vacation in the mountains ____ the air  is purer there.
9.       We have to drive around the bay ____ the bridge was destroyed in the storm.
10.   The chickens have to died ____ the intense heat. 

Kunci Jawaban:
1. Because 2. Because 3. Because of 4. Because 5. Because of 6. Because of 7. Because of 8. Because 9. Because 10. Because of