Materi belajar bahasa Inggris online ini saya bagi menjadi empat level, yaitu Level Dasar I, Dasar II, Intermediate, dan Advance. Berikut ini adalah daftar isi dari tiap-tiap level. Teman-teman tinggal mengklik judul materi pada tiap-tiap level di bawah ini. semua materi sengaja disajikan dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk memudahkan anda yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris. Di samping itu jika di saat anda membaca artikel apapun di dalam blog ini dan anda menemukan kesalahan baik itu kesalah ketik atau yang lainnya, silahkan menginformasikan kepada admin blog dengan memberikan komentar. Selamat Belajar, semoga bermamfaat untuk kita semua. Amin
Tingkat Dasar I
1. English Alphabet
2. Colors
3. Numbers
4. How to tell the time
5. The names of days (Nama-nama hari)
6. The Months of the Year
7. The Seasons
8. Date
9. Part of Speech in English (Jenis-jenis kata dalam bahasa Inggris)
10. Nouns (kata benda)
11. Singular and Plural Nouns
12. Countable dan Uncountable nouns
13. Determiners
14. Artikel A, An dan The
15. personal Pronoun
16. Possessive adjectives
17. Object Pronouns
2. Colors
3. Numbers
4. How to tell the time
5. The names of days (Nama-nama hari)
6. The Months of the Year
7. The Seasons
8. Date
9. Part of Speech in English (Jenis-jenis kata dalam bahasa Inggris)
10. Nouns (kata benda)
11. Singular and Plural Nouns
12. Countable dan Uncountable nouns
13. Determiners
14. Artikel A, An dan The
15. personal Pronoun
16. Possessive adjectives
17. Object Pronouns
19. Adjectives
20. Verbs
21. Interjections
Tingkat Dasar II
1. Simple Present Tense, Part I (is, am, are)
2. Simple Present Tense Part II
3. Have and Has
4. Demonstrative
5. This dan These
6. That dan Those
7. "There is" and "There are"
8. Noun Phrase
9. Quantifier
10. Some and Any
11. Much and Many
12. A little/little dan A few/few
13. Adverbs of Frequency
14. Adverbs of Manner
15. Adverbs of Degree
16. Modal Verbs (can and could)
17. Prepositions of Time
18. Present Continuous Tense
19. Have Got and Has Got
20. Prepositions
21. Imperative Sentence
22. Conjunctions
1. Simple Past Tense
2. Was and Were
3. Simple Future Tense
4. Past Future Tense
5. Present Perfect Tense
6. Since, For, Yet, and Already in Present Perfect Tense
7. Be Going To
8. Past Continuous Tense
9. The Correct Adjectives Order
10. Adjectives dengan -ed dan -ing
11. Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary
12. Kalimat Pasif : Simple Present Tense
13. Kalimat Pasif : Simple Past Tense
14. Kalimat Pasif : Simple Future Tense
15. Kalimat Pasif : Present Perfect Tense
16. Kalimat Pasif : Present Continuous Tense
17. Elliptical Sentence: So/Too
18. Either and Neither
1. Gerunds
2. Gerunds VS Present Participle
3. Either ... Or / Neither ... Nor
4. Not Only ... But Also
5. Both .... And
6. Question Tag: is, am, are
7. Question Tag: Do, Does
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
9. Past Perfect Tense
10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
11. Future Continuous Tense
12. Positive Degree: As ... As
13, Comparative Degree: -er / more ...
14, Superlative Degree
15. A lot of / lots of / a lot
16. Pemakaian Kata "enough"
17. Too
18. Relative Pronouns
19. Conditional Sentence Type I
20. Conditional Sentence: Type II
21. Conditional Sentence: Type III
22. Both - Either - Neither
23. Prefer
24. To invinitive atau -ing
25. a number of VS the number of
26. another, other, others
27. Article 'the'
28. because, because of
29. . . .so . . . that . . .
30. . . . such . . . that . . .
31 as well as VS as well
32. Verb setelah verb be
19. Adjectives
20. Verbs
21. Interjections
Tingkat Dasar II
1. Simple Present Tense, Part I (is, am, are)
2. Simple Present Tense Part II
3. Have and Has
4. Demonstrative
5. This dan These
6. That dan Those
7. "There is" and "There are"
8. Noun Phrase
9. Quantifier
10. Some and Any
11. Much and Many
12. A little/little dan A few/few
13. Adverbs of Frequency
14. Adverbs of Manner
15. Adverbs of Degree
16. Modal Verbs (can and could)
17. Prepositions of Time
18. Present Continuous Tense
19. Have Got and Has Got
20. Prepositions
21. Imperative Sentence
22. Conjunctions
1. Simple Past Tense
2. Was and Were
3. Simple Future Tense
4. Past Future Tense
5. Present Perfect Tense
6. Since, For, Yet, and Already in Present Perfect Tense
7. Be Going To
8. Past Continuous Tense
9. The Correct Adjectives Order
10. Adjectives dengan -ed dan -ing
11. Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary
12. Kalimat Pasif : Simple Present Tense
13. Kalimat Pasif : Simple Past Tense
14. Kalimat Pasif : Simple Future Tense
15. Kalimat Pasif : Present Perfect Tense
16. Kalimat Pasif : Present Continuous Tense
17. Elliptical Sentence: So/Too
18. Either and Neither
1. Gerunds
2. Gerunds VS Present Participle
3. Either ... Or / Neither ... Nor
4. Not Only ... But Also
5. Both .... And
6. Question Tag: is, am, are
7. Question Tag: Do, Does
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
9. Past Perfect Tense
10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
11. Future Continuous Tense
12. Positive Degree: As ... As
13, Comparative Degree: -er / more ...
14, Superlative Degree
15. A lot of / lots of / a lot
16. Pemakaian Kata "enough"
17. Too
18. Relative Pronouns
19. Conditional Sentence Type I
20. Conditional Sentence: Type II
21. Conditional Sentence: Type III
22. Both - Either - Neither
23. Prefer
24. To invinitive atau -ing
25. a number of VS the number of
26. another, other, others
27. Article 'the'
28. because, because of
29. . . .so . . . that . . .
30. . . . such . . . that . . .
31 as well as VS as well
32. Verb setelah verb be
Saya pemilik blog ini, hanya share materi belajar di blog ini. Apabila ada aplikasi atau lainnya yang mengatasnamakan blog ini, atau materi pada aplikasi itu sama persis dengan blog ini maka itu bukan saya.
Apabila ada seseorang yang menawarkan private bahasa Inggris dengan meminta sejumlah uang dengan mengatasnamakan saya atau blog ini, maka harap berhati-hati karena itu bukanlah saya. Apabila saya promosi pengajaran Private atau lainnya hanya melalui Blog ini dan tidak melalui blog atau website yang lainnya. Apabila anda mendapatkan tawaran belajar bukan melalui blog ini maka itu bukanlah saya.
Semoga sehat selalu
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